#KreweChats Episode 15: Ad Tracking & Marketo

In the 15th (whoa, 15 episodes?!) episode of KreweChats,Sydney Mulligan​, Rachel Egan​, Geoffrey Krajeski​, and I explored the best methods for Ad Tracking in Marketo. As we are all aware, ad tracking is not something that will happen natively in Marketo. As marketers, we are responsible for creating, implementing, and managing the method by which we track our ads and all other URL parameters all the way to conversions, opportunities, and revenue. Setting these up is critical for ROI tracking, as well as CPL and customer acquisition costs.

Learn about how different Marketo Champions are tracking first conversions, session conversions, golden conversions, as well as storing the data!

Also a quick shout out to Erik Heldebro for his blog that we referenced First, Last and Multi Touch attribution for UTM parameters and auto tagging emails

#KreweChats Episode 15: Ad Tracking & Marketo - YouTube

Level 7

Thanks for posting, Dory Viscogliosi! And apologies for my rambling about the way we track advertisement conversions. I was able to boil it down and put it into better terms, so here you go incase you're interested in the program statuses I was talking about:

  • Session Conversion - The lead clicked on this ad and converted during the same session. At this time, a session lasts three days.
  • Original Conversion - This ad was clicked on by the lead, and led to their first impression ever with a TubeMogul asset. Down the road at some point (could be a year later), they fill out a form and convert. We give credit to the original ad that brought them in. Leads can only have this status once.
  • Golden Conversion - The lead was both an Original Conversion and Session Conversion with this advertisement. This is the optimal result - we got their attention and got them in the funnel immediately.

We do use "request campaign" to help make our advertising program run, so sorry to those of you who are opposed to it, but our ad tracking depends on it. We use UTM parameters to track advertising on the content level (the main program) and then by medium/source via static lists and additional quarterly programs. See some screen shots below for a bit of insight into how those programs and smart campaigns are structured. Also, shout out to Jessica Cross​ for helping me out a couple years ago when we were trying to figure out ad tracking.


Content ProgramQuarterly Medium ProgramQuarterly Source Program
Screen Shot 2017-02-15 at 8.07.08 PM copy.pngScreen Shot 2017-02-15 at 8.06.45 PM copy.pngScreen Shot 2017-02-15 at 8.07.31 PM copy.png

Process Session Conversion within the Content Program

Screen Shot 2017-02-17 at 9.06.11 AM.png

Process Session Medium within the Content Program and Quarterly Tracking Program lists

Screen Shot 2017-02-17 at 9.06.32 AM.png

Level 8

Thanks for the shoutout, you guys are awesome! (And no Dory Viscogliosi​, you pronounced it 100% correct - as I usually say at least)

Comparing on a lead level and program level I think that is a great point to combine both, as having a program for specific advertising activities/channels is efficient to follow-up program performance/success and the lead level gives a more micro view which also I've found to be very efficient for setting up daily batch campaigns to assign Lead Source (when it's empty).

I think Request Campaign is a great flow step for running specific actions and don't see the issue with it.

Love the #KreweChats, it's a great initiative! See you at Summit

Level 6

Really glad it works for you!

Level 6

Request Campaign is fine if you use it sparingly and for no mission critical flows.  It is de - prioritized over other live smart campaigns. See this discussion thread with Edward UnthankSmart CampaignCampaign Priorities

Level 8 - Champion Alumni

Hey guys love the vids, wish something like this existed in my earlier days using Marketo!

Still enjoy watching them and always find something I can use.

Keep it up!



Level 10

Thanks, Jason! Looking forward to catching up in April!