Add the ability to perform data lookups.

Add the ability to perform data lookups.

We have many situations where we would like to append/normalize a new lead record's data based on elements like its email domain, web domain and area code, use its Inferred Company to add a corresponding Account ID, so we can notify Account owners about web activity, etc.  

For example, when someone fills out a form and their email domain is the same as an existing Salesforce Account, we'd like to potentially match the new lead to our Accounts using their email domain and append the Account ID to the Marketo lead record.  This would enable the lead record to be displayed in the Leads related list in our Account records and firmographic data to be adde to the lead record from the matching Account record.

Another example is appending or normalizing data like State or Country from imported sources. I can do this currently if I create a smart list with a Change Data Value flow step with over 50 choices for States, nearly 300 choices for Country or almost 400 choices for Area Code (would that even work?).

It would be much easier if we could reference a lookup table.
Not applicable
Hi Elliot. 

To normalize data on Country and State. I did this to standalize every country field. 

Basic you have over 300 rules for Country alone. It pretty heavy in MKTO but working very nice. 

I have a screen dumb here did this solution for a client back in 2012. 


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Status changed to: Open Ideas