Exclude Auto-responders from Email Reports


Exclude Auto-responders from Email Reports

Hi there,

Not sure if there's a way to do this so I thought I'd post - I'd like a way to exclude auto-responder emails from the email performance reports. I know you can select ways of including certain emails, but I'd prefer just to have a rule to say "Don't show email performance where email name contains: confirmation."

Does anyone know if that's an option? It seems like that'd give us a truer since of our email performance for invites and offers.
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Which of the performance metrics does an auto response affect?  It should be counted as delivered, but I doubt it would show as an open or a click.
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Great News! This is already functionality! In your report there's a smart list, you can add your filters to it to remove the emails you don't want.
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Ah - I thought you were speaking about auto-responses to your emails (e.g. click this to confirm you aren't a bot).  If you want to exclude your own auto-responder emails (e.g. confirmations) from your email performance report, Adam's suggestion is the way to go.
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Cool - I thought that might be the case. It's a little confusing since the smart lists are based on leads and not on the email as an asset.

So, am I correct in thinking if you used a smart list to exclude anyone who was sent on email where name contains "Confirmation" that if they had clicked or registered for any other offer sent during the week they would be excluded from the overall metrics for our weekly email report? Not sure how clear my question is.
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You are correct that if you exclude a lead via the smart list filter in the report, you won't get stats on any emails, not just the one with the "Confirmation" name. 

Instead, to just exclude this email from your report, go to the Setup tab of the report and in the Filters you add, be sure not to select your "Confirmation" email in the list of emails that will be included in the report.

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Thanks Elliott,

I guess my issue with that is everytime you create a program you need remember to add more rules into this report to exclude individual emails. I imagine that'd mean I'd need to go and update this report every week before it sends. It would make more sense if you could just say "Exclude emails where the name contains 'Confirmation.'" It sounds like the only way to exclude these is manual at the minute - is that right?
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If you organize all of your confirmation emails into the same top-level folder in Design Studio, you can just not have that folder selected and then any new emails you add there will not be included in your report.  The only downside of this is that you won't have your confirmation emails in each of the corresponding program folders.
Community Manager
Status changed to: Already have it