Marketo Fearless Forum: Edition 02

Marketo Employee

Marketo Fearless Forum: Edition 02


Welcome back to Marketo's bi-monthly customer newsletter, the Fearless Forum!


Back in April, we asked you to comment on the first video with the questions you have for Marketo, and the topics you want to hear about.


This month we'll be covering the following topics chosen by you:


Have something you want us to cover in the next newsletter? Comment on the video with your questions, topics, success stories, and feedback!

Level 10 - Champion Alumni

Re: Marketo Fearless Forum: Edition 02

I'm sure customers would love to hear some more information on Summit 2019 when it becomes available. Hopefully some exciting new events since it will be back in Las Vegas and later in the year (Oct).

Level 5

Re: Marketo Fearless Forum: Edition 02

I'd like to hear more case studies about how customers are rolling out Marketo Sky to their teams as well as success stories with Bizible.

Level 5

Re: Marketo Fearless Forum: Edition 02

I'm curious to know if there will be a roadshow next year or opportunities to connect in-person since there is 18 months between 2018 and 2018 summit.

Level 9

Re: Marketo Fearless Forum: Edition 02

I love this format and the intros!

Level 2

Re: Marketo Fearless Forum: Edition 02

Would love to hear about users success stories with Bizible.

Level 2

Re: Marketo Fearless Forum: Edition 02

How can I subscribe to get these updates?  Very helpful and very hidden!

Level 5

Re: Marketo Fearless Forum: Edition 02

Nice format, would like to hear about best practices in different areas, also would love to understand more about the apps that can be integrated with Marketo to enhance customer experience

Abhishek Chandra