Thank you! I have all this in place, however, when I run a smart list of anyone who visited that page and clicked any link, I am still getting 0 people. I have tested it and clicke...
Thank you!When I added the script to the page, it added a CDATA to the script: <center><audio controls="controls"> <source src=" ...
Ok so I am adding the JS you provided wrapped in <script> on my landing page. Does it need to go in the header, or can it go in the body? Do I need to replace the "href: this.src" ...
Thanks for the response, I am still new to this! So the proper way to have this set up would be: document.querySelector("audio").addEventListener("play",function(e){
Hi all, I have an mp3 podcast file embedded on my landing page using an audio script:audio controls> <source src=" Podcast - Exec...