Are you concerned about Marketo API limit or SFDC Limit? It sounds like that you are concerned about Marketo limit. In your case using the "Sync Lead to SFDC" flow action in your S...
I think that it really depends on your business which I have limited information. In general, my thought is follows:(1) Single Form used in many Landing PagesIf the information nee...
Rajesh's solution is great. I can't think of a better one.
If you want to be really fancy, you can use Email Scripting to check whether first name is null or empty stringhtt...
There are multiple reasons that this could happen. But in your case, I think it is due to the reason below.Marketo embeds a 1X1 invisible image in the email. Marketo will count tha...
Below is what I come up with. It is not the most elegant solution but it should do the trick.(1) On your landing page form, specify the follow-up page to another Marketo Landing Pa...
I am pretty sure that you can't access the entire browser history since that would be a major security flaw. However, Rajesh's solution will still work and hold true if you simply ...
I like Rajesh's solution. It is easier to do, maintain and test. Just in case that the form does take a long time to process for whatever reason, couple things to consider are
Hi Cezary.When did you do the webinar? From the documentation, it says that It can take anywhere from 2 hours to 2 days for GoToWebinar to prepare the final attendance information ...