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‎08-07-2020 11:15 AM
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Joined the community 20-08-2019
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Campaign Marketing Manager
  • I didn't realize it was a question about how Marketo works. Tech support told me I couldn't accomplish these goals and recommended I write a suggestion that Marketo incorporate in ...
  • Sorry! This was the URL Marketo support gave me as they said this feature isn't available, but I should make a request for it to be implemented.
  • Do you mean, the activity log of a contact? If I have over 3000 form fills, I do not have time to go into those 3000 individual contacts daily to determine when they filled out a f...
  • I inherited our Marketo instance and was told to use the "Update" field to determine who filled out the forms on what date. Well, just the other day I discovered that "Update" info...
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Date Registered ‎08-20-2019 09:34 AM
Date Last Visited ‎08-07-2020 11:15 AM
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