Yes. It is possible. I developed a solution here at Citrix that auto-submits a hidden form if the user is a return/cookied user.I used jQuery using:Mkto.formSubmit($jQ('#mktFrmSubm...
The code I sampled here can be used in a regular text link, the submit button or even by loading the page with url parameters. If you have access to a JavaScript developer, it shou...
Check out my entries on this post about that subject:
I hope that helps.
Thank you,
Your Marketo admin should set it up in the admin section of Marketo. It's the landing pages setting called "Fallback Page". All that is needed is the URL of a page you want to show...
Dave,First, let me make sure that this is clear. I am not part of Marketo. I am also a client. I felt I should clarify that since you said "Do you guys understand what we are askin...
Carly,There are different ways to currently apply responsive to Marketo landing pages. While none of them are currently out of the box Marketo functionality, I like to think of it ...
Darren,I am not sure what your question means. However, if what you are asking is how to capture a value from the URL and into a hidden field. You just need to make sure that you s...
Scratch my last comment, I just realized that you were working on 2.0 forms. Good to know. The other thing that could be done is to reset any form regardless of which class they ar...