Reading this just made my day I am Marketo admin, we have a lot of users internationally and policing our instance to make sure no one breaks something is one of the biggest challe...
1. would be great to be able to have more filters like "COUNTRY" in program performance and opportunity reports, most of our campaigns run across multiple countries, and it is real...
We have a custom "event" object in SFDC, it is synced with Marketo, we create an event program in Marketo with a trigger campaign "Was added to event"+ event name in constraint. It...
Couldn't agree more, naming conventions are very unreliable, I keep policing our instance to make sure our users use them correctly - not only is this an ineffective use of my time...
You can achive this by using folder tokens, move all assets in your work space into one universal folder, create tokens in that folder and those tokens will be available in all the...
Would be fantastic have this implemented! We didn't use queues much until recently and I was surprised something as simple as being able to filter based on what queue lead is in wa...