To move a landing page across a workspace, you first need to place the landing page into a folder and move that folder to that workspace.You can't move assets on there own. Must be...
Need to use a field that will be hidden on the form and use URL builder to build that reffering link to use it.Then a smart campaign listening to that reffering source.Never tested...
Unless that platform API's that information back to Marketo, you will need to set up some custom fields to capture this.For example, an API service could be set up to update/append...
Stick to what your doing now.Email programs are quick - get it out the door- and testing.If your going to be having complex smart campaigns/smart lists and triggers etc then stick ...
I don't see any other way to connect all your programs to individual SFDC campaigns.Within all programs there is a link for you to search and connect each SFDC campaign.Unless your...