Interesting. The script I wrote only populates the page with the content that matches the URL parameter, otherwise the page is blank because there is no "default" content. I mainly...
Is there a particular benefit to setting up custom segments over using Javascript to achieve the same goal if the traffic to the page is organic and serves both known and unknown u...
We just started using dynamic content in more of an abstract way that doesn't use any database segmentation and uses URL parameters instead. We use it with our library of recorded ...
Since Marketo Support was unable to offer any help with this I was able to come up with my own workaround with the help of a scraper chrome extension and Excel. The entire process ...
Hey Sergio,After a few hours of troubleshooting I discovered that as well along with the root of the problem indicated in the article that Markus shared with us (https://nation.mar...
I'm dealing with this exact issue now and it's beyond frustrating. This meta tag is supposed to fix that <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge"> but something about t...
Hello Jeff,I've been battling with trying to get forms 2.0 to work with my responsive landing page and stumbled upon this thread. In your latest post you said that using forms 2.0 ...