Looking at the Wayback Machine - it looks like you do have the codepen embedded on the page, however your link ( https://codepen.io//figureone/embed/RoKZWg?height=550&theme-id=...
Hey Sanford - thanks for that article. I noticed though that the JS code you mentioned isn't actually linked on the page. Could you take a look at it? We're trying to do the exa...
Exactly. I'm trying to make this simple enough that my whole team can use it with little issue, which I could have done using my tokens. At this point though, sounds like a wash. T...
The reason I was using Velocity was because we want to be able to randomize the order of dynamic content, as well. I was essentially trying to recreate segmentations here, so that ...
I'm trying to create a dynamic content email, where it will use one of a few different rich text my.tokens to populate the content based on variables.I am defining the variables in...
I just built and sent one of Marketo's example templates to myself and it still had the phishing warning - but a blank template text email didn't have a warning. Looks like it's so...
We had the same issue starting today - all emails we sent are getting flagged as potential phishing attempts, even ones we have been sending for years.
Thanks for posting this and to TrustArc for the content here - this has been the most concise overview of necessary changes I've seen so far. It'll really help us make sure we're c...