Sarah MayerI think there's two overarching goals at play here. Identifying the best leads: How can I tell which leads are most likely to buy/most qualified/best fit for sales? (wha...
Anthony Cross If you use a tool like Vidyard, you can also use the video watching activity as your on-demand trigger AND score them based on how long they watched it for to boot.
Jason Martin, lots of very good ideas from Drew, Josh, and Brigid. Of all of them, the simplest solution to my mind is using regional distribution lists as Brigid Greenway first ...
Julie Jabro Stars and Flames are based on the scoring fields you specify in MSI settings. If you make changes to your model that changes those scoring fields, Stars and Flames sho...
Josh Hill you are right about potential Lookup issues. Would definitely need to test that. My thought around doing it in SFDC vs. Marketo is that the URL field on the user record ...
Nick Thomas (sandbox), I believe you can request support to turn on the Munchtions feature that Edward Unthank mentioned. But I would second Edward in either having a product inte...
Thanks Sanford Whiteman!Fawn Floyd Vivian Chan, Digesto will definitely do what you're looking for. It takes any RSS feed and converts it to a set-it-and-forget-it Marketo email...
Linda Cardwell, you can use a Calendar token in your email to generate the Outlook invite. This should be created at the program level as a my.token. The gcal invite is a bit tric...