Erica DishmanI think Josh's approach is what you are looking for.You need a way to uniquely identify the visitors to your page from your social links, which you would do via URL p...
Renee GreenThere are two filters called "Email Bounced" and "Email Bounced Soft".Create a Smart List using these filters and "Use ALL Filters" in your smart list filter logic. Sel...
Marcel CohrsDan is spot on with respect to updating existing contacts. If you want to create NEW contacts (and skip the lead object altogether), then you can use the "convert lead...
David PappalardoReally sorry you did not hear back from us. Please send me an email at and I will get you hooked up with pricing info. There is some variation b...
David HowardThe simplest way I've seen to answer a lot of these questions is with two fields, Original MQL Date and Most Recent MQL Date. They are pretty much what they sound like...
Dana HallI think it depends on your exact requirements. Engagement programs have a lot of intelligence built in (ensuring leads don't get the same content twice, allowing flexibil...
Stephane HamelHey Stephane! You were my tutor in one of the Web Analytics Certificate classes at UBC back in 2011. I recall your Digital Analytics Maturity Model which was quite a...
Kate Conlon, if you know which data value you want to be canonical, you can easily use a smart campaign to correct this as Josh mentioned, e.g.SMART LISTBrand Segment = Career Web...
Kathleen OliverGiven that with different brands you probably also have different branded templates, probably the easiest thing to turn off the default unsubscribe link and insert ...
Travis StautHi there. No need to apologize for newbie questions. First of all, where are you seeing "lead info" as a field? There is a tab called "Lead Info" on the Lead record in...