I've tried to trigger off a change in Company Name. It works for non-Salesforce contacts.For account name changes from Salesforce, how do I catch those? There doesn't seem to be an...
Hi - Does anyone know how to compare values for two fields so that you can see the non matching ones.Example of a Filter I tried that didn't work: Company Name: is not {{lead.Compa...
Thanks John and Jamie! - I figured it out. It turned out that when a sandbox was refreshed from production, the URL to the form was hard-coded and pointed to the form in production...
We just copied over production to the sandbox. I tried to run through a form that works in production but it doesn't seem to work in the sandbox. Are there certain features that do...
Thanks for the ideas. I'd assumed I'd need custom javascript to hide the button but I don't have scripting knowhow to figure it out. Covering the submit button is an interesting wa...
Has anyone selectively hidden the submit button on a form?I have visibility rules set up to show specfic questions or messages depending on the value selected for the initial field...
Thanks Mark. We're currently using a different type of CRM system (InterAction) so we're hoping to keep the subscription history in this CRM in sync with Marketo.The salesforce asp...
We would like to allow people to subscribe to our mailing lists by topic/type of periodical we send out. Is there a best practice to do this?We're new to Marketo and in our current...