Hi Thank you for the solution. One question the tokens for leadownerphone etc, that pull in from Salesforce profile information are system fields I believe.If I create a custom fie...
Hello I am trying to update lead owner information in Marketo for use with tokens.Phone Number... I am also trying to add the lead owner mobile phone.The lead owner information in ...
Hello, I need to track email sends from MSI only to Sale Force. I set this up via a task and it works. It says MSI email sent. However, how do I get the email name or subject line ...
Thank youShould I name the field Marketo Lead ID?I don’t see this field in Marketo’s field management but I do see it on the lead record in the database.Nikki Corsini Marketing Aut...
Also wanted to add, with Hubspot making some strong additions to their platform, Marketo better ramp up their game. Management wants to see Smart looking graphs not lists and they ...
Please Marketo, get with the program and add these metrics. I went from Campaign Monitor to Marketo. Although there is no comparison with regard to automation, the ease and look of...