As a developer who builds tight integrations with Marketo, I am interested in being able to send usersback to Marketowhere appropriate reviews can be done for things like Lead reco...
Some specific feedback here, as I've been down this exact same path: you actuallycanhave dynamic content work correctly with View as Webpage, but it does require some specific thin...
Today, when a Marketo user accesses the REST API and reads Activity ID #22 (Change Score), the primary attribute is called "Score Name". This is defined as an integer. However, the...
As a technical solution provider, I would like to provide detailed information on where Marketo assets are stored in instances where users have deployed workspaces. While Marketo's...
It's not quite a search, but there is a URL structure you can use to go directly to a program. When you log in to Marketo, you'll see a main URL that looks similar to the following...
Today, when you query Marketo's REST API to see the structure of each Marketo activity, you'll notice that Activity ID 37 (Delete Lead) has the following structure: {
Today, if a Marketo user is entering email addresses into their system, there is no sanitization of characters that may not be allowed by RFC 6530. While the majority of Unicode is...
As a technical solution provider, I would like to provide enhanced opportunity information across Marketo behaviors--and ideally, without the use of a separate CRM. However, when a...