The 7 best marketing automation features in Marketo
This very positive article includes a few paragraphs providing an overview of Marketo, including a mention of our 10-year anniversary, before highlighting our ‘mobile tools,’ the Marketing Nation, and other features. The section on ‘Marketing Nation’, #5, is a great summary and key differentiator. The story features comments from Marketo customers including our friend Jennifer Clegg at CA Technologies and partner Justin Gray at LeadMD.
· The article was also syndicated in MIS Asia.
4 key marketing automation features Marketo lacks
The second article focused on features that customers would like to see Marketo improve. Unfortunately, the title was written by an editor and not the journalist who had written the article. One of the improvements has actually been nullified as we have since added that feature in a new release. Expect all of our competitors to receive the same dual-article coverage.
· The article was also syndicated in ComputerWorld Singapore.
CMS Critic
This piece states that with clients like Intel and Acquia, Marketo has grown into one of the most trusted marketing automation systems on the market.
The 4 marketing (r) evolutions expected in 2016 (France)
We’ve had some more coverage on our ‘predictions for 2016’ piece, making this 16 pieces of coverage on this in France in total. The most recent piece has been published in, the online version of GPO (Gérer, Prévoir, Optimiser), which is an enterprise publication focused on management, HR, marketing, finance, etc.
Snackable Content: Shorter content for smaller attention spans
Online Marketing (Germany)
Grazia (France)
Additional infographic pick-up in a well-known French fashion magazine, as well as is a French consulting and recruitment agency specialized in HR.
Marketing, Change and Higher Ed
Inside Higher Ed
The head of content strategy from Marketo partner Fathom calls out our recent Mashable “Ask the CMO” series in his byline in this top education trade. As he points out, the industry trends that the CMO of Georgetown Business School highlighted in her interview all have to do with personalization.
Do People Actually Watch Marketing Videos? Canadian Startup Vidyard Can Tell
On Tuesday, Vidyard disclosed another $35 million in venture funding led by Battery Ventures to drive adoption. So far, the six-year-old Kitchener, Ontario, company has signed close to 1,000 businesses as customers—including companies like Citibank, LinkedIn, and TD Ameritrade—said co-founder and CEO Michael Litt.
The New Reach Of Beacons: Broadway, Rite-Aid, Sales Terminals
This piece talks about our beacon partner Gimbal and upcoming beacon partner Footmarks. Theaters are being outfitted with Gimbal beacons and other location-based technology with Urban Airship’s mobile engagement platform. Audiences can receive messages when they are in the theater, before the show, during intermission and after the show ends.
How to Get the Most Out of Summit 2016
MudTime Marketing
Joe Reitz, Marketo Champion, wrote this great blog for newbies wondering how to get the most out of Summit.
Survey Finds Extremely Poor Sales Lead Follow Up Across Nine Industries
Press Release
Conversica compared best-practice research with real-world execution and found that in many cases even direct website inquiries-presumably the hottest of prospects-were being ignored. The good news is that several companies showed outstanding lead follow-up practices and earned the top A grade, including Salesforce,Marketo, Zend Technologies, Anderson Subaru of Pensacola, Florida and Waldorf College in Forest City, Iowa.
Microsoft adds new capabilities on Office 365 to tap enterprises
Financial Express
Microsoft is rolling out new technology that applies machine learning to the way people work to empower individual to work more effectively. The new Microsoft Office 365 comes with, Skype for Business that enables communication-powered productivity. With Power BI content packs for popular services such as Salesforce, QuickBooks Online, Marketo employees can begin visualizing the data in just minutes.
5 Ways B2B Sales and Marketing will evolve in 2016
MarTech Advisor
Sean Zinsmeister, Senior Director of Product Marketing at partner Infer, points out the key changes he expects – from ABM becoming ubiquitous to predictive getting smarter and some others.
Talking DoubleDutch about event marketing
Lawrence Coburn, CEO DoubleDutch says that to date, DoubleDutch is recording 68% adoption which means that a person signs up and does something with the app. Coburn thinks there’s much more that can be done that in turn will drive further adoption but, more important, value back to event attendees and organizers.
Collaboration to be Key As CMOs Start to Outspend CIOs
MarTech Advisor
According to a report, digital marketing budgets are set to increase by eight percent during 2015. This shows that marketing has a growing influence on technology spending, with Chief Marketing Officers (CMOs) slated to outspend Chief Information Officers (CIOs) by 2017.
Marcoms and ad tech merger activity: 2015 round-up
Last year's ad tech mergers and acquisitions trends suggest that the market is unlikely to slow down in 2016.
New Report: Marketing Automation Held Back By Budget, Data Management, And Lack of Time
Marketing Land
Based on survey responses from 400 U.S.-based marketing and sales professionals, the report from India-based IT/data management shop Openprise indicates that ease-of-use and quality of tools aren't the biggest obstacles.
Profitability in a time of diaspora
Forrester discusses the challenges partners face when it comes to the ease of doing business with vendors.
The Fourth Industrial Revolution Might Cost You Your Job
This very anti-automation piece blames this “fourth industrial revolution” for killing job growth in Art, Design, Sports and Media.
Press Release
The Interactive Advertising Bureau (IAB) announced the launch of the IAB Data Center of Excellence, a new independently funded unit within IAB, founded to expand existing IAB resources and drive the “data agenda” for the digital media, marketing, and advertising industry. The Data Center’s mission will be to help advertisers and marketers operationalize their data assets while maintaining quality, transparency, accountability, and consumer protection.
Why the ad industry will never win the war on ad blockers
The head of the Interactive Advertising Bureau came out swinging against ad blockers last week. Instead of even attempting to fairly distribute blame for the chaotic state of the ad industry, the executive pointed his finger everywhere else but at IAB members.
Business Insider
President and CEO of the Interactive Advertising Bureau (IAB) Randall Rothenberg used the opening keynote speech at the IAB summit to accuse Adblock Plus of being an "unethical, immoral, mendacious coven of techie wannabes" and an "old-fashioned extortion racket."