Re: You can earn NEW rewards for liking and receiving likes on discussion and idea comments!

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You can earn NEW rewards for liking and receiving likes on discussion and idea comments!

We have added new rewards to your profile! You can now earn rewards for both liking comments, as well as receiving likes on your comments. This feature was designed recently to help users find solutions and helpful hints faster. I hope you are utilizing this feature already, but if not, this is a great time to start as it's easy and helpful. Not to mention, you can earn these cool new rewards!

As we improve the Rockstar Rewards program, you will see new rewards appear in different missions, and eventually, we'll even add new missions! Don't be alarmed, this is part of process of developing new and exciting incentives for you to gain status while maximizing your ability to learn Marketo. If you have comments or feedback, please email
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Level 9 - Champion Alumni

Re: You can earn NEW rewards for liking and receiving likes on discussion and idea comments!

Awesome Liz!
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Re: You can earn NEW rewards for liking and receiving likes on discussion and idea comments!

I like this idea. 🙂
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Re: You can earn NEW rewards for liking and receiving likes on discussion and idea comments!

Thanks Liz!  This looks great!