Work-around for anchors in different editable sections

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Work-around for anchors in different editable sections

Is there a work-around for anchoring a link to a different editable section than where you insert the anchor? 
Tags (1)
Level 10

Re: Work-around for anchors in different editable sections

Could you go into a little more depth about what you mean here? "Anchors" in HTML are very precise, meaning that you click that link and then the same page jumps to another section. Those are set based on the jumping to another HTML element's ID.

Here's an example:

<a href="#form">Clicking this link would go the HTML element which has an ID of "form."</a>
<p>Blah blah blah placeholders</p>
<div id="form">Here's the form!</div>

In that case, clicking on that link would jump the anchor "#form" on the same page. For a real example on this page, clicking on this link jumps to the top of this post right here.

Do you mean something else by "anchors?"


Edward Unthank | Founder, Etumos
Not applicable

Re: Work-around for anchors in different editable sections


So what I mean here is when you add an anchor in one editable section it won't let you link to it in a different editable section. 

I'd like to keep the content in separate editble sections so the formatting doesn't get messed up, but I can't anchor the "full text" content anchor to the "full text" link. 

Periodical Name - Date
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit, sed diam nonummy nibh euismod tincidunt ut laoreet dolore magna aliquam erat volutpat. Ut wisi enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exerci tation ullamcorper suscipit lobortis nisl ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat.

Full Text {<-- hyperlink}

Different editable section
{--> Anchor} Headline
Periodical Name - Date
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit, sed diam nonummy nibh euismod tincidunt ut laoreet dolore magna aliquam erat volutpat. Ut wisi enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exerci tation ullamcorper suscipit lobortis nisl ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat.
Level 10

Re: Work-around for anchors in different editable sections

Hey Leslie, in this example (assuming I understand this correctly, and this is a landing page):

Headline 1
Periodical Name 1 - Date 1
Paragraph 1 lorem ipsum lorem ipsum lorem ipsum

"Full Text" Link 1 {<a href="#headline2">"Full Text" Link 1</a>}


Headline 2 {<h2 id="headline2">Headline 2</h2>}
Periodical Name 2 - Date 2
Paragraph 2 lorem ipsum lorem ipsum lorem ipsum

Let me know if I'm understanding your problem/use case here.
Not applicable

Re: Work-around for anchors in different editable sections

This is in an email, not a landing page which is where I'm having trouble.

Right now in a word document or outlook email, you can put an anchor at the end of the email and then hyperlink it to text above. You can't seem to do that in different editable sections of an email in Marketo. 
Level 10

Re: Work-around for anchors in different editable sections

Ah hah! There's the problem. The anchor tags won't be stripped out of Marketo in emails, so that's not the problem so long as the code works. It's a problem with email client support, not Marketo. 

So, depending on what email client you're using, anchor tags will work or not work. Here's a run-down of which email clients support anchor tags (from 2010, so there's probably a little better support now, but I email clients have notoriously awful support of anything more than barebones HTML):

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Re: Work-around for anchors in different editable sections

Mmmm. I'm pretty sure it's not the email client. 

I can use a SilverPop template in Marketo and the anchors work fine. 

Marketo just doesn't let you do it in different mkteditable sections. 
Level 10

Re: Work-around for anchors in different editable sections

Alright, let's try this. 

Step 1:

Step 2:

Step 3: 

Step 4:

The little anchor button just inserts this little bit of HTML: <a name="ANCHORNAME"></a>
Linking to an anchor tag with the WYSIWYG drop-down inserts this: <a href="#ANCHORNAME">Link Text Here</a>

There's no other magic about it. So if you want to use anchor tags, just manually type in the link to the anchor, which in the typed example is #ANCHORNAME. In the screenshots above, it's "#alfred."


Edward Unthank | Founder, Etumos