Will it cause problems if after I activate a campaign I add a filter?

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Will it cause problems if after I activate a campaign I add a filter?

I tested my campaign and it worked but I realized the way it was written needed to be changed since now my members are not being added to the SFDC campaign, they're already part of it.  I had already activated the campaign but then added in the new filter.  I deactivated and activated again but the flow steps are not occuring.  Did I do something wrong?  Any way to resolve?



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Re: Will it cause problems if after I activate a campaign I add a filter?

The only ones flowing through are Status is changed in SFDC campaign but I have it set up to use Any filters. 
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Re: Will it cause problems if after I activate a campaign I add a filter?

Hey Karen, deactivating/activating again won't get people to flow through who have already gone through because this is a triggered campaign. The campaign will always be looking for one of your two triggers to occur before getting anyone to flow through.

You can do one of a couple of things to get these people to flow through your smart campaign again: the easiest is to probably clone your current smart campaign, in the flow steps remove the Send Email step (definitely do this, or else they'll receive the email a second time!), and change the smart list to a single filter that says "Member of SFDC Campaign" and your two campaign names.

Also, if there's a chance that someone is being invited to both campaigns then you're correct in having the Change SFDC Status as two different flow steps, but if they can only be a part of one of the campaigns, then you could do that as a single Change SFDC Status with two choices... totally up to you.
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Re: Will it cause problems if after I activate a campaign I add a filter?

Interesting.  So eventhough I didn't (don't) see them in Results, I can't get them to be grabbed (hope you like my technical terms there).  I did solve the problem by temporarily switching the the status in sfdc to something different and then switching it back but I definitely want to understand this better for the future.

1) Is the problem not with the logic of the way I wrote the smart list but that I activated it before adding a key filter?
2) To me it seemed like since I didn't see my SFDC campaign members in the results they hadn't gone through the marketo campaign and would therefore be new and actionable once the filter was on making them newly a part of the Smart List.  Sounds like my logic is flawed but I still don't 100% get why.

Thank you so much for your thorough response above.  I really appreciate it.
