I set up a "win back" engagement program for lost sales deals. When a deal is closed out as a "Closed - Loss" in Salesforce, I would like to add any contacts associated with that deal into the Win Back campaign. Unfortunately, each day when I look at the membership list, it's full of seemingly random people -- sometimes as many as 150 contacts have been added.
I am adding members via a Smart Campaign. I recently added a constraint I didn't have prior -- the New Value had to be Closed - Lost. However, this morning there were 3 new people in the campaign that were associated with losses a long time ago.
Any suggestions on what to add to make sure I am only contacts who were just closed out as a loss?
Some things to check, since I won't know what's in your system:
The smart list as you show it should only affect people with these conditions in the FUTURE, so you need to check their activity logs to better understand why they may have been triggered.
Hi Jessica,
In addition to Josh's ideas, I would suspect some changes in the stage opportunity stages, from any loss status to "Closed - Lost". The easiest way to know is to look into one of these leads (SFDC contacts) and the opportunities they are linked to. If needed you will have to activate field history on salesforce side on the stage field.
Thank you so much for the fast replies.
I believe I have found the issue. I had several additional smart campaigns that would, for example, re-add contacts to the campaign if their email address was fixed or the "no longer with company" field was changed to false. Unfortunately, I forgot to add a key filter to those campaigns: Is a member of this engagement program. So, as any contacts were changed in Salesforce, they were pulled into this engagement campaign. Silly user error!