Re: Who do you use for email validation on form submit?

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Who do you use for email validation on form submit?

We are looking into going with a vendor for email validation on form submit.

The vendors we've looked at are BriteVerify and StrikeIron. Are there any others you'd use that you've had success with? Has anyone used BriteVerify or StrikeIron? If yes, pros, cons, easty to implement etc???

Many thanks in advance.

~ Nichole
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Level 9 - Champion Alumni

Re: Who do you use for email validation on form submit?

I've heard from numerous people that StrikeIron is the best.
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Re: Who do you use for email validation on form submit?

Hey Nicole,
We have an excellent blog post on our Developers blog that describes how to manually add some code to your website to do this. This is a simple solution that is very customizeable. Here is the blog post:

Level 10

Re: Who do you use for email validation on form submit?

I'm corrently using Strikeiron. Been setting it up now and so far it's great. We use the Webhook and makes calls on form fill. I have a few smart campaigns listening for the return calls for any bad codes that allow me to automate putting records into our suspend flow.
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Re: Who do you use for email validation on form submit?

Hi Ed - We use StrikeIron like you do.  Have you tried StrikeIron's real-time validation, which happens before the form submit?  If so, how do you like it? Any drawbacks?

Thanks in advance,


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Re: Who do you use for email validation on form submit?

Thanks Eric I have the same question for Edward Masson​. Main feature I'm looking for is to validate email addresses before the form submit.

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Re: Who do you use for email validation on form submit?

Hi Edward,

We finally got the contract signed for StrikeIron (an Informatica company) and now i'm working on implementation. For your smart campaigns that listen, do you use a combination of the status number, status description and reason description? Or, have you found one to work better than the other?

Any learnings you've found along the way would be much appreciated as I'm about to dive into this.


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Re: Who do you use for email validation on form submit?

Hi Nicole - I am following up with you because I have the same exact question as you did.  What did you end up doing?  What would you do differently?

Here is my draft plan.

Write a series of Smart Lists that addresses each error type individually.  I believe that will give me more control for the various error codes based on severity, i.e. spam trap versus Email Domain Not Responding.

I thought about posting my SM here for anybody to use

Any thoughts
