Hello! First I am absolutely amazed at how interactive and supportive people are on this site. Thank you all very much. I need some advice regarding our customer list. At present, we have not uploaded our Official Customer List into Marketo or Salesforce.com. I have been a little gun shy, but need to do it soon. The lists that are in our Marketo Database do contain our customers as well as prospects/leads, but those records have not been identified as such as of yet.
Do I uploade our customer list to Marketo and allow it to migrate over to SFDC or do I do it in SFDC first and migrate over to Marketo? I do need to put it into Marketo as I need to use it as a smart list to keep emails that are prospect based from being sent to current customers.
Additionally, (and I am sure this is typical of many organizations), our customer list contains incorrect spellings, wrong punctuaion, all caps/no caps, etc. I know this will cause some issues. Does any one have experience with this and how did you handle it?
Thank you very much and I look forward to hearing back!
Penn Hoyt