When a lead is merged / associated how can I make previously anonymous activity send an email?

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Level 4

Re: When a lead is merged / associated how can I make previously anonymous activity send an email?

We're going to try batch campaign setup this way, then we'll have all the batch campaigns act as a cron job to trigger a single campaign where all the logic is stored.

To reduce the delay, I just thought of a push vs poll mechanism that we'll also try. Since we use server side POST to associate leads, we can use Fills Out Form "Associate Tracking Cookie (form name)" as an extra trigger for the batch campaign in addition to the periodic scheduled tasks. This might hammer that one campaign, but hopefully that doesn't cause issues since it will just be flushing out static lists, which will just be a few people each due to the frequency of runs.

Level 10

Re: When a lead is merged / associated how can I make previously anonymous activity send an email?

Hi Jon,

As I wrote a while ago in another post, you can use the "lead was created" filter for campaign you want to fire only after the creation of the lead.


Level 4

Re: When a lead is merged / associated how can I make previously anonymous activity send an email?

Hi Greg,

I was playing around with that before, but it seemed like the "Person is Created" trigger might only fire for new leads. Is that right?

I was trying to find a trigger for when Munchkin cookies are associated with a lead (new or existing). In our new architecture, our primary method of associating Munchkin cookies with somebody is via server side POST, so we'll always get a Fills Out Form activity.

It seems like there's no trigger that would relate to the Merge People activity that comes from Munchkin associateLead, but in that scenario, we don't need to worry about batch campaigns. Our fallback to server side POST is using the REST API to associate a lead too, and I'm not sure if there was a triggerable event for that either, so we could catch those few rare leads via the scheduled batch method.



Level 10 - Community Moderator

Re: When a lead is merged / associated how can I make previously anonymous activity send an email?

It seems like there's no trigger that would relate to the Merge People activity that comes from Munchkin associateLead,

There is if you update a timestamp field in your associateLead call...

Level 4

Re: When a lead is merged / associated how can I make previously anonymous activity send an email?

Exactly what I was thinking in general for cases where we didn't have an event

In our specific case, we write info to Salesforce first via our own backend, then that API only returns a hash to the frontend if the lead was already synced from Salesforce to Marketo. This way, new leads have a deferred association through Salesforce to prevent duplicate creation, but existing leads can be associated before events we want to take action on after email collection, are fired on the frontend.

Level 10 - Community Moderator

Re: When a lead is merged / associated how can I make previously anonymous activity send an email?

+1 to Greg's answer.

It's not that nothing is happening, it's the specific flow steps you want to occur won't be triggered.

But I think you'll be able to get pretty close to it with batches.