Re: What do YOU use utm fields for?

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What do YOU use utm fields for?

What various ways are you using UTM fields?

There's a Resource page on linking AdWords into Marketo:

It has you create four fields:
  • Campaign Source (utm_source)
  • Campaign Medium (utm_medium)
  • Campaign Term (utm_term)
  • CampaignID (utm_campaign)
Those make sense for AdWords tracking, but... aren't they quite valuable for a heck of a lot of other uses too?

We are just ramping up our Marketo implementation, and at the same time opening a lot of doors for new kinds of tracking (such as leveraging utm fields, which we have been unable to before). So I'd love to hear what others are doing with utm fields, where you're using them, how you're analyzing/organizing them.

I assume you use them whenever you post social links, right? Where else?
Do they get pulled from organic search?
Do they express into Google Analytics?
Do you use additional fields?
I'd love to hear more about any of this.
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Re: What do YOU use utm fields for?


Social links, yes. They don't get pulled from Organic Search, Google express it themselves, but it won't tell you the query anymore. They show all UTMs in Analytics. We do add hidden fields to capture the information. 

From the Archives :

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Re: What do YOU use utm fields for?


Social links, yes. They don't get pulled from Organic Search, Google express it themselves, but it won't tell you the query anymore. They show all UTMs in Analytics. We do add hidden fields to capture the information. 

From the Archives :
Level 10

Re: What do YOU use utm fields for?

We use them for social and everything. They are really important to use in tracking digital advertising in Marketo.
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Re: What do YOU use utm fields for?

Thanks guys. 

So I guess this leads me to a followup question: why is this so relatively obscure in Marketo?

Shouldn't the Marketo app create these fields in SFDC from the get-go? The only mention in the docs is about creating them for AdWords, as if it's just a necessary little thing to do for that one function. Odd, no? That's what tripped me up: thought I was missing something.

(And that's a pretty fantastic link, Adam; thanks! Still digging through it.)
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Re: What do YOU use utm fields for?

It isn't a required thing. People just use it to track their effectiveness beyond standard reporting. You don't have to know about or use it to be a Marketo user.

They do have a URL builder tool in the software now. if you right click on the landing page icon you'll find it.
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Re: What do YOU use utm fields for?

Thanks, Adam. I know they're not essential, but they seem downright neglected in Marketo's perspective. Oh well. 😕

Since the docs aren't that clear... the field names don't really matter as long as they're mapped well in forms, right? I gather it's best to set up the fields in SFDC (and thus Marketo) with plain-lanuuage names (Campaign Source, Campaign Medium, etc.) right?

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Re: What do YOU use utm fields for?

If i had it all to do over again. i'd set up custom utm's in Google Analytics first. Use some short name like SRC instead of utm_source. Then call your Marketo fields whatever you want.

Mine are all just named utm_source. Both the parameters & the fields in Marketo.
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Re: What do YOU use utm fields for?

Set up utms in Google Analytics? I thought they were already inherent to Analytics, no? I have been using Silverpop and was able to leverage at least that bit of functionality out of it: utm fields got fed into Analytics and showed me data on people who came in from email campaigns.

P.S. Thanks a lot, Adam. I really appreciate your input. 
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Re: What do YOU use utm fields for?

in GA you can make custom parameters, that map to utm_source. If I had done this, 5 years ago, before I ever got in the habit of typing utm_source, etc... It could have shaved hours off of my work life just in typing out the full name. I'm not really a copy/paster. 🙂
Level 10

Re: What do YOU use utm fields for?

In addition, we actually keep a huge tracking links document in Box for every link we create. I built out a formula so that it takes each column input (source, medium, etc) and creates the link in the last column, then you just copy/paste. We have lots of moving pieces so this is a good way to keep it all together.