What changes are made to a 1.0 email or email template when it is upgraded to 2.0?

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Level 10 - Champion Alumni

Re: What changes are made to a 1.0 email or email template when it is upgraded to 2.0?

Tip for tagging (on computer):

Copy URL of persons' hyperlinked names!

Gregiore Michele always gets me too with his many accounts

Level 10

Re: What changes are made to a 1.0 email or email template when it is upgraded to 2.0?

Hi Geoff,

Sorry for that The only valid one is the one with my photo as an avatar.

And BtW, if you write my name "Gregiore Michele", you should not find too many


Level 10 - Champion Alumni

Re: What changes are made to a 1.0 email or email template when it is upgraded to 2.0?

Grégoire Michel

I realized that on the train after I had posted via the Jive app

I don't like how the iPhone keyboard works with my not so small hands, and bumpy trains to/from NYC, and I'm not sure yet (haven't tried) to copy a name/hyperlink (if it's even possible)

Level 10

Re: What changes are made to a 1.0 email or email template when it is upgraded to 2.0?


The most detailed information is going to be in the documentation here: Turning On/Off Email Editor 2.0 - Marketo Docs - Product Docs Look for the hyperlink in the caution box at the top also--it goes to an FAQ doc that has a lot of good specific details.

Level 10

Re: What changes are made to a 1.0 email or email template when it is upgraded to 2.0?

Hi Mike,

Thx. If fact, I have read the complete doc already and it does not give specific details about if something gets modified in the template itself and what. It just says this is not reversible.

Maybe nothing get's modified in the template code, and the non reversibility is just about the way it is stored. Nevertheless, the good old "mktEditable" still works.


Level 10

Re: What changes are made to a 1.0 email or email template when it is upgraded to 2.0?


I don't know about specific code differences myself, but I think Justin Cooperman​ may have some input. Let me see if I can pick his brain on that.


Level 10

Re: What changes are made to a 1.0 email or email template when it is upgraded to 2.0?

I understand the poor Justin is quite busy at the moment


Level 10

Re: What changes are made to a 1.0 email or email template when it is upgraded to 2.0?

Your assumption is basically right, it's how we store it in the DB with the appropriate metadata to make it v2. If you have a completely "valid" v1.0 template, then you will see absolutely no changes to your code when you click "Edit Draft" with Email 2.0 enabled. It will just suddenly be a v2.0 template if you approve it. However, what you'll see about the v1.0 Email Templates is that even just having the following is considered valid:

<div class="mktEditable"

Literally, without closing anything. In the old Email Editor 1.0, we would run HTML Tidy on that prior to creating a new email and the resulting code in an individual email using that template would obviously include much more. So, when you click "Edit Draft" with Email 2.0 enabled, we're also going to run that same HTML Tidy validation so that the resulting code of your template has all that stuff in it. This is how we'll ensure that if you have a v1.0 template, that when you approve it as a v2.0, it will cause your individual emails to look the same.

Make sense?


Level 10

Re: What changes are made to a 1.0 email or email template when it is upgraded to 2.0?

Hi Justin,

Thx. It makes a lot of sense.

Yet, the additional validation may cause a bit of surprise so some users when their templates suddenly will not pass


Level 10

Re: What changes are made to a 1.0 email or email template when it is upgraded to 2.0?

Their templates will still continue to pass and be considered valid, what I'm saying is that they'll see some code added to their template (the same code that would have been added to an email) when they move from v1.0 to v2.0. if their v1.0 template had issues. As I mentioned, we previously would just add the code at email creation time. In Email 2.0 world, we consider pretty much anything valid (as long as Marketo syntax is valid). So, we put much more control in your hands. We still have a "Validate HTML" button, but we won't change your code OR add code to your email when you create a new email from a v2.0 email template.