Website Visit question

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Website Visit question

We have a webpage that I am interested in seeing how many visits we have had.  it is hosted on our company website that contains the Marketo Munchkin tracking.  How would I see how many times this page has been visited.  The url for the webpage was provided within an email.  I know there is a clicks link in email report.  Is there one that i can use specifically to see the web page activity?  It itsnt finding the web url when i enter it into the smart list.


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Re: Website Visit question

Hi Erin,

If it's not appearing on your smart list, there might be a chance that the link wasn't clicked.  Check this against the email link performan report for your email campaign.  If the link doesn't appear there, then the link wasn't clicked.  One of the things that I also use is Google Analytics and anotate a particular day that we have an email campaign, and look for any spikes in page views, particularly for that day and that particular url. 
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Re: Website Visit question

You can also use the analytics report: Web Page Reports. If it doesn't appear in the smart list you are trying to run, it might not appear here either. In your smart list, you could always try the filter 'Visited web page'. Then in that filter use 'web page contains' and type in part of your URL. That way if your url is something like, you could put 'webpage1' in the filter. 
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Re: Website Visit question

Erin, be sure to not enter the "http://" as part of the URL in a filter for a web page with munchkin.  There really isn't a good report for providing the total number of visits to a web page like there is for a landing page.  You can get a list of know and/or anonymous visitors to a specific web page using the web page report, but it doesn't have the total visits during the analysis period.

Like Michelle, we rely on Google Analytics for this metric.