Sorry for the delay in responding, but I have been up to my neck in alligators. Anyway, we use email address as the unique identifier on our website. When someone logs in, we do the following:
- evaulate the Marketo cookie if it exists to determine if the emails match. If so do nothing.
- if the emails do not match or the Marketo cookie does not exist, we use getMultipleLeads to determine if the email exists in Marketo. Keep in mind there could be mulitple accounts in Marketo with the same email address (I hate the fact that Marketo doesnt treat email address as a unique identifier - causes a lot of problems).
- if account(s) exist in Marketo, we update information that we have gathered on our website (using sychLead or synchMultipleLeads)
- if no accounts exist in Marketo, we create the account (using sychLead - I think)
Search for the document named "Enterprise API Design" and download the implementation example.