Re: Webhooks help

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Webhooks help

We are currently using Webhooks to push data to a dashboard. Our analytics team and client have access to this dashboard so they can quickly see real time data for any email campaign (email opens and clicks). Currently the data getting pushed to the dashboard does not appear to be correct. Right now we have 1 smart campaign for each brand pushing both Webhooks. Should each Webhook have its own campaign? This is how it is set up now:

Smart List: Trigger, Clicks link in Email
                     Trigger, Opens Email

Flow: Call Webhook, clicked link in email
           Call Webhook, opens email

I have a feeling that when someone opens an email it is calling both Webhooks. Do you think this is the case? 

Should we have 1 campaign for clicks link in email and 1 campaign for opens email? 
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Re: Webhooks help

The exact answer depends on how the webhook is defined.
However using the same webhook for two distinct events is likely to cause unwanted effects.

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Re: Webhooks help

I was having trouble finding documentation in the community regarding more specific examples of email performance and Webhooks. Does anyone know if this type of information exists? 

It would also be helpful if there was more information about setting up Webhooks smart campaigns. I found a very limited article. 

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Re: Webhooks help

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Re: Webhooks help

In your flow, you are using actions
Flow: Call Webhook, clicked link in email
           Call Webhook, opens email

Thus whenver 'any' of the trigger happens, BOTH of these flow actions will be executed.
You should have one smart campaign for each 'Trigger' smart list with appropriate web hook.

Thus "Clicks email' smart campaign will have 'Clicks email' smart list trigger and 'Clicks email' web hook.

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Re: Webhooks help

Thanks for all your help. We have created new campaigns now for the webhooks. 

Now we are getting an 'Operation Timeout' error message. Does anyone have any insight into this?This happens everytime a webhook is called under the details section in the results tab.