Re: Web version URL and Forward to friend erro

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Web version URL and Forward to friend erro

We are experiencing an issue where the "web version URL" and "forward to a friend" links in our test emails will work fine, then after another send get an error message.  Has anyone experienced this and have you found out why it happens?  

Thank you! 
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Re: Web version URL and Forward to friend erro

Hi Aimee,
This sounds possible like a branding domain issue. Do other links in your emails work?

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Re: Web version URL and Forward to friend erro

Hi Will,

Yes, all other links are working fine.  I find it odd that they will work one time, then not another.  I just want to make sure it doesn't happen in a live send.  It hasn't yet, thank goodness.

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Re: Web version URL and Forward to friend erro

Do you think this happens when the test email is updated AFTER it is sent?  
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Re: Web version URL and Forward to friend erro

Yes, it is possible that the view as webpage link is temporary for sample emails.

I would suggest to use a single flow action to test the view as webpage link in your emails.