We are encountering some web service errors in Marketo, and it is showing an error code and count in the logs.
We would like to know:
Any insights or guidance would be greatly appreciated!
It's not possible to answer this without at least knowing the error codes you're encountering.
These are the Error code we are getting: 1003, 1078, 1029, 1077.
Is there a way to download the affected records associated with these errors?
No, you can’t download the Marketo records associated with errors, nor the raw logs.
Of course some of them, by definition, don’t correspond to anyone in your database. A 1003 can relate to a bad payload of any type, including bad insert (so there wouldn’t be a record). A 1029 is an unprocessed batch job, and when a job fails the full payload isn’t stored. And so on.
Did you write the integration code that’s generating those errors? That’s where you look first: you know which API user encountered the error, so examine that app’s logs.
Support may (and I strongly stress may) be able to provide debug logs, but that should be your last resort, not first, as it’s very time-consuming. First, see what the apps are doing wrong — or even if they’re doing something wrong! For example, if an app is written to gracefully requeue jobs in the event of a 1029, then the 1029 isn’t of concern in the end. (Though in my experience most apps do not handle Marketo rate limits properly.) Again, check with the app author. Ask them point blank: what do you do when the job queue is full?