Re: Web Personalization segment URL match cannot match when there is space or %20

Level 1

Web Personalization segment URL match cannot match when there is space or %20



I am trying to use web personalization feature and setting up the segment. My current URL contains parameters with space (e.g. ), when I set the rules in segment, it cannot be matched if I simply put *utm=web%20person* in the URL matches box. However *20person* (without % symbol) works fine


Is this a bug? Or how could I handle space while matching URL in segment? Thanks!




Level 10 - Community Advisor + Adobe Champion

Re: Web Personalization segment URL match cannot match when there is space or %20

You're right, "Include Pages" filter in the web segments doesn't like the '%' character! I would suggest using UTMs w/o spaces or using an underscore character '_' instead of the space chars.


Level 1

Re: Web Personalization segment URL match cannot match when there is space or %20

Thanks! Any reason it cannot match '%'? Is it replaced by other characters? Instead of changing UTMs, any other ways to do it?