Web Activity in Sales Insights not showing up

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Web Activity in Sales Insights not showing up

Hi gang, 

I have what I hope is an easy one for you. One of my inside sales team asked why a new lead's web activity is not appearing in Sales Insights. I checked their activity log in Marketo and found that their only activity was landing on page with a form, completing it and submitting it. The submission appears as an interesting moment in SI, but not on the web activity tab. 

Any help you can offer as to what might be happening - or not happening - is greatly appreciated. 

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Level 10

Re: Web Activity in Sales Insights not showing up

Hi Mark,

In the Admin section of Marketo under Salesforce there is a button to edit your sync options.  I'm guessing the activities you're looking for are not checked to sync to SFDC.  Have a look and let me know if that solves the problem.

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Re: Web Activity in Sales Insights not showing up

Hi John,

My syncs look all good.

I should have added one more clarifying point. The issue is not universal. I have several test records, all of which show web activity. The lead in question was created upon the submission of the form. 

Level 10

Re: Web Activity in Sales Insights not showing up

Is there a "Visits Web Page" entry in the Activity Log at all? If not, it will also not show up in Sales Insight, since Sales Insight pulls from the Activity Log. 

Reason for not having "Visits Web Page" may be that the web visitor could have JavaScript switched off, so the Munchkin doesn't load.
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Re: Web Activity in Sales Insights not showing up

Thanks Jep. 

There is no "Visits Web Page" only a "Completed Form" on the activity log, so that may be the problem. I'll have my team keep an eye out for more. I have to believe the instances of having Java off are rare. 



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Re: Web Activity in Sales Insights not showing up

I am also seeing this on occasion...they come in as a lead (not uploaded/manually entered/etc.)and thus have filled out a form somewhere on our website, but they show no web activity. I was figuring they perhaps have cookies blocked on their end, or something along those lines.