Re: We are getting overloaded by Robo-Fillers on our Marketo forms in a PPC campaign. How can we stop these?

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We are getting overloaded by Robo-Fillers on our Marketo forms in a PPC campaign. How can we stop these?

Getting 5-10 per day.

Example of a typical submission

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Re: We are getting overloaded by Robo-Fillers on our Marketo forms in a PPC campaign. How can we stop these?

We had the same issue until we placed a special field at the bottom of the page that people have to manually fill in to avoid a robot posting info.  For example:  you see an image with a code in it   XLTO12  and you manually type the code into the field.  Only then will the form submit. 
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Re: We are getting overloaded by Robo-Fillers on our Marketo forms in a PPC campaign. How can we stop these?

Thanks!  Would seem more logical for Marketo to allow something like CAPTCHA to be embedded in forms.  I see that they don't allow it but there "protections" against robo-fillers are clearly inadequate.
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Re: We are getting overloaded by Robo-Fillers on our Marketo forms in a PPC campaign. How can we stop these?

Hi Brent,

Have you tried adding a hidden field to your forms and then looking for the bots to fill it out? I wouldn't recommend adding CAPTCHA to your forms as it lowers conversion rates.

If you add a hidden field (one that normal people can't see/fill out), you can set up a campaign to flag those bots that fill it out and subsequently delete them.

If you're in an industry where you can get away with not allowing generic email addresses, that is also an option.
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Re: We are getting overloaded by Robo-Fillers on our Marketo forms in a PPC campaign. How can we stop these?


Please feel free to jump in on this idea....

There are custom solutions in the thread as well