I want to create a report that essentially shows the best send times.
We typically get emails out the door at 7am, 10am, noon-ish, and sometimes later in the afternoon.
And we send emails M, Tues, Weds, and Thurs.
For the month of October can I create an email performance report that can be sorted to illustrate what were optimal send days / times?
Hi Kevin Lustgarten,
I think creating a heat grid would be great for what you want to do.
Customize and Display Heat Grids - Marketo Docs - Product Documentation
As this is about product features can you move it to the product discussion using the move button on the right.
I'm not seeing Revenue Explorer in my instance.
Unfortunately its an additional product to the standard licence. You might not have it. Without it I think it will be pretty much impossible to pull that report.