Re: Visits Web Page WITH Google Campaign Parameters

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Visits Web Page WITH Google Campaign Parameters


We have some short URLs that we use in our direct mail pieces, and we typically have them direct to our home page (or some other generic page) with google campaign parameters on the end of the URL. 

Is there a way that you can use a trigger of visits web page to include campaign parameters on the URL? My gut feeling is no, because the page itself is still index.html or whatever the tracking code is on, but I figured I'd follow up and see if anyone had experience with a way around this issue.

I have thought about driving them through a blank marketo landing page and then using that, but auto redirects from our secured HTTP server to our unsecured marketo server presents security issues and does not auto-redirect correctly. Also, I am aware I could just have a trigger of visits web page = index.html and is member of campaign X, and subsequently make the association that they responded to a direct mail piece, but I'm not totally comfortable with the concept of assuming that because someone visits our homepage they got and followed up with a direct mail piece.

Any insight would be appreciated.

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Re: Visits Web Page WITH Google Campaign Parameters

If you use the Visit Web Page trigger and use the contains operator you can put in utm_source or some other URL parameter to trigger when someone visits a page with your Google Analytics parameters.
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Re: Visits Web Page WITH Google Campaign Parameters

So it will pick up the parameters on the end, that is good to know. That is a much easier process than driving someone through a blank landing page or assuming their visit is related to a campaign.

Thanks for the quick response.