Hi All,
I'm currently seeing a weird problem, which is happening when I send an email to myself (as a regular lead, not a sample email) and then click "view in browser".
I get a 404, the redirect url is empty. the links looks like http://mkto-sjXXXXXX.com/v/TTeRq0U07000fE910N0XXXX"http:/promo.XXXX.com/index.php/email/emailWebview?mkt_tok=eyJpIjoiWkdSaVpHRTJZakE1T1dZeSIsInQiOiJaYS9sQVRHOHZPR2dJZzlIL0tTZWFrM0x6UWxZRTJKVDltNFhZZ3lLUXB3Qis5Q1hxcUliWVhITmtrUFcveW1IYjdHL09BTUwwcnFCK2t2OVJ6QmZ1Ky95ZlZXYXhHWStET0F1Rm9BQ3dvQWNzU3preUZjQnFlZ1ovSTM5d3FxRSJ9
Any takers?
You've gotta post the real URL.
Are you using the {{system.ViewAsWebPageLink}} or building your own?
I'm using the {{system.ViewAsWebPageLink}}
Try creating a link that has Enable mkt_tok disabled:
and this href:
<a href="http://promo.abbyy.com/index.php/email/emailWebview?mkt_tok=##MKT_TOK##">View as web page</a>
Is this tracked and functional?
Yeah, it is. Wonder what's breaking the redirection using native Marketo functionality?
I'm wondering too! There've been some reports tonight (I got some via email as well) of broken tracked links, though not mentioning the View as Web Page specifically. I haven't been able to reproduce the problem across 3 instances. Like many such problems it could be localized to certain pods.
I'm having a similar problem with a VTL script-driven URL. Preview renders the output URL correctly but it looks like Marketo's failing to encrypt prior to send:
For reference we're pulling a specific Marketo Custom Object string value into an anchor tag, like this:
<a href="https://${customobject_cList.get($a).LinkURL}">Some such text</a>
Wondering if I need to establish some other parameters like notrack and mkt_tok, or taking a different tactic and encoding the entire URL output into that custom object variable.
If anyone has an idea what might be happening, I'd love to hear from you
Have you tried this with an intermediate variable? Also use [$a] instead of the wrapped .get($a). Let me know... there's always some permutation that works in these weird post-parsing situations