Re: View/Edit/Delete sales person

Level 2

View/Edit/Delete sales person

How do I manage the sales people in Marketo?  Unfortunately, I imported many employees that were not sales people.  I would like to delete them, but I cannot see how I can actually see a list of all of them.  Any help is appreaciated.

Level 9

Re: View/Edit/Delete sales person

Hi Ron,

Try creating a smart list with filter email address contains and then your company name.

Level 2

Re: View/Edit/Delete sales person


Thanks for the suggestion.  Unfortunately, the sales people do not show up under "All People" or any smart lists. But I know they are there because they are assigned to the customers.  I can also export a list of Sales People using Vertify (our integration software). But I cannot view or edit them in Marketo.

Level 10

Re: View/Edit/Delete sales person

Hi Ron,

I think there is a confusion here. All people in Marketo ARE in the "all leads" list. If they do not show up there, they are not in Marketo and persons, period. And they cannot be deleted either.

You probably refer to the account or sales owner information that are lead fields and that you can use as email sender information. These are populated from Salesforce or MSD. The only way to remove this data is to reassign the records in Salesforce.


Level 2

Re: View/Edit/Delete sales person

Thanks for the response Grégoire.  You are correct, some of these folks are assigned as Account owners or Sales owners. But the vast majority of the employees synced to Marketo are not and never will be assigned to a customer or contact.   I don't think you cannot re-assign sales reps in Marketo, so I guess this is OK, but frankly I'd feel better if I could delete or inactivate them.   It seems you are saying that I cannot clean up the SalesPerson list, is that correct?

FYI we are using Vertify (and NetSuite) and SalesPerson shows up as if it were an object or record type with fields to sync..

Level 10

Re: View/Edit/Delete sales person

Hi Ron,

Then they are custom objects. You should be able to remove them through Marketo API, and therefore through the Netsuite conenctor. Meaning the answer lies in the Vertify connector.
