Hi there - just learned that velocity scripting exists in Marketo! Where have I been, under a rock somewhere!? Anyway, now I just wish I knew how to use it. In the meantime, maybe someone can help point me in the right direction on how to get a lowercase first initial for my lead records? I tried to modify an uppercase script (granted it does the whole name, but 1 thing at a time) and I couldn't even get that to work (changed 'capitalize' to 'lowercase').
Thanks all!!
#set ($fname = ${lead.FirstName})
Thanks - I'm getting "$display.uncapitalize($fname)" in my email when I test it. AmI doing something wrong?
It's actually like this:
#set ($fname = ${lead.FirstName.toLowerCase()})
<p>Hi $fname</p>
Just be mindful this actually makes the entire word lowercase.
Alternatively you could make just the first letter lower case:
#set ($fname = ${lead.FirstName})
<p>Hi $display.uncapitalize($fname)</p>
Or you could make everything uppercase first, and then just make the first letter lowercase (why?).
#set ($fname = ${lead.FirstName.toUpperCase()})
<p>Hi $display.uncapitalize($fname)</p>
what if I just want the first letter of the first name?
i.e. "j"
#set ($fname = ${lead.FirstName})
<p>Hi $display.uncapitalize($fname)</p>
So it someone is in your database as FRANK, it will render as fRANK.
but I just need it to render as "f"
I saw something about a substring to pull just the first character, but not sure how to code that in this instance.
Also it seems like you didn't have First Name selected in the Lead Section of the Script Token, this is why you see that output:
Ah right.
#set ($x = ${lead.FirstName})
Mark me correct, I want the points
Sorry, now I'm not sure how to combine both of these; lowercase and first character only.
#set ($fname = ${lead.FirstName.toLowerCase()})
#set ($x = ${lead.FirstName})
(did not work, obviously)