Re: Using the wait step duration

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Using the wait step duration

I am running a nurture program, and I recently started it with a small batch. I was seeded in the list, and I activated the campaign by using a smart campaign to request the traffic cop. 

In the mean time, I had also been doing normal activities and my lead score changed which triggered the traffic cop a second time.  So at this point I had requested the same campaign 2 times, and was now at the wait step. 

The wait step is "wait 2 hours, end on 8:00am on Thursday," my lead ended up taking 2 actions in a sequence instead of only completing the first. Which triggered 2 email sends instead of 1. 

Has anyone experienced this? And if so, any best practices or work arounds so the lead is not requesting more than 1 campaign at a time? 
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Re: Using the wait step duration

I think the general solution here would be not bringing in a lead into the traffic copy campaign via score changes directly. Also, that campaign could be set to only allow a lead in once or once in a given timeframe.
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Re: Using the wait step duration

Is your Traffic Cop pushing leads to a Gatekeeper and then the Wait Step?  If so, the gatekeeper qualification rules could be set to run once as Erik suggested.  The Gatekeeper would then request the Wait Campaign.  Let me know if you need more information on this.
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Re: Using the wait step duration

Yes, the Traffic Cop pushes leads to a GK, and then a wait step. 

The main problem I've discovered is that the Traffic Cop is set up with 2 triggers:
1. If the traffic cop campaign is requested
2. If the lead score changes

I wanted to remove the lead score step, but need to make sure that the leads are going into the appropriate program based on score as well as other criteria. 

I think it may work to have the lead only be permitted through the GK once, but am unsure how to set that up. 
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Re: Using the wait step duration

We experienced this behavior shortly after we set up our nurture programs, so in the Traffic Cop smart campaign, we set the Qualification Rule to "Each lead can run through flow once every 1 hour(s)", which helped cut down on multiple entries into the same nurture program's master campaign because a lot of leads have several trigger activities that qualify for the same nurture program during a short span of time.  However if they triggered the Traffic Cop smart campaign later and qualify for a nurture program they are already in, they'd be in that program's master campaign twice at the same time as you are experiencing. Also it is possible that during the time that the lead is not qualified to run in the Traffic Cop smart campaign, he could have had an activity that would have caused the Traffic Cop to have directed him to a different nurture program's master campaign. 

So not allowing the lead to run through the flow every time isn't the best solution and we did the following:
  • Added a Nurture Program Assigned field to the lead records
  • Added a Nurture Program Assigned "is not [this nurture program's name]" filter in the smart list of each nurture program's master campaign.  
  • Added a Change Data Value flow action with "Attribute - Nurture Program Assigned; New Value - [this nurture program's name]" in the flow of each nurture program's master campaign
So far the problem appears to be resolved.