Using Progression Status in Webinar for Second Email Invitation

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Using Progression Status in Webinar for Second Email Invitation

I am having some trouble setting up the correct progression status for our webinar, when sending out our second email invitation. I have set it up correctly so that the status of all of the people who receive the first email invitation is changed to Webinar > Invited, and so that the status of all of the people who register for our webinar is changed to Webinar > Registered. 

Now we want to send a second email invitation to those who didn't register the first time around. I have the following smart list and flow set up (which isn't working correctly):

1. Not Filled Out Form:
    Form Name is [FormName]

2. Member of Program:
Member of Program: true
Program is [WebinarName]
Progression Status is Webinar>Invited

1. Send Email:
     If NOT Filled Out Form is [FormName]
     Email: [Followup Email Name]
     Default Choice: Email: Do Nothing

2. Change Status in Progression: 
     Program: [ProgramName]  New Status: Webinar > Registered

Does anyone know what I'm doing incorrectly?

Thanks in advance for your help!


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Re: Using Progression Status in Webinar for Second Email Invitation

You can simplify this.  For the smart list, use the member of program is true, current program name and status "invited".  This will find the population of leads who were sent the first invite and have not yet registered.  You don't need the "Not filled out form" filter.  Then in the flow, all you need is "send email".  You don't want the Change Status in Progression flow action in this campaign.  You should have a separate campaign listening for the leads to fill out the form and then changing their status to "registered"

Are you using a webinar adapter?

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Re: Using Progression Status in Webinar for Second Email Invitation

In my version of this, the Smart List is actually pointing to a "Member of List" which is a list of people the email was originally sent to. I don't think it can pull from the "not filled out form" because they haven't filled out a form. Does that make sense?

If not, I can type in what my Smart Campaign looks like.
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Re: Using Progression Status in Webinar for Second Email Invitation

You can simplify this.  For the smart list, use the member of program is true, current program name and status "invited".  This will find the population of leads who were sent the first invite and have not yet registered.  You don't need the "Not filled out form" filter.  Then in the flow, all you need is "send email".  You don't want the Change Status in Progression flow action in this campaign.  You should have a separate campaign listening for the leads to fill out the form and then changing their status to "registered"

Are you using a webinar adapter?
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Re: Using Progression Status in Webinar for Second Email Invitation

Thanks Jaime and Cheryl for your help!

Cheryl - To answer your question, I do have a separate campaign for when leads fill out the signup form. My biggest concern is that this email is not sent to the people who have already registered for the webinar. We are using the GoToWebinar adaptar. 

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Re: Using Progression Status in Webinar for Second Email Invitation

If you use the Member of Program with Progression Status is Invited then it will only pull leads who CURRENTLY have this progression status.  Leads who have registered and their status was changed to Registered, will not be affected.
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Re: Using Progression Status in Webinar for Second Email Invitation

This worked. Thanks Cheryl for your help!