Using Marketo form on website

Level 6

Using Marketo form on website

Hi There,

We are thinking of moving away from Marketo Landing pages and use Marketo Form on External Landing Pages.

There are two things we can do:

  1. Marketo form on website within iframe
  2. Marketo form on website with embed code

I am creating a report over the effects/changes and would like to know  your opinion on this topic.

I understand there would be multiple pro's and con's and many of them have already been listed on the community.

Just wanted to make sure that I didn't miss any thing.


Ravi Ansal

Level 10 - Community Moderator

Re: Using Marketo form on website

If you check my posts on the topic (which contain the most accurate information) and combine that with non-conflicting information from other sources, you'll have a good picture.  Once you've done that. it's better to ask specific questions or clarifications because we can't know if you're missing anything!

Level 10 - Community Moderator

Re: Using Marketo form on website

P.S. One thing I'll say right away is "Marketo form... within iframe" is a misnomer.  You cannot put a <FORM> (an HTML fragment) directly in an iframe.  You must put an HTML document -- that is, a Landing Page -- containing the form in the iframe.  Of course you will make the hosting LP as simple as possible, but there must be one.

Not applicable

Re: Using Marketo form on website

Check out the below for pros and cons of using the forms. Biggest difference between and embed and iframe is form pre-fill


Level 10 - Community Moderator

Re: Using Marketo form on website

And you see, that is EXACTLY why I said you must incorporate my more accurate answers. Caitlin, your answer is wrong. Ravi, you should withdraw the Correct Answer because otherwise people will continue with bad information.

Level 6

Re: Using Marketo form on website

Hi Sanford,

This is what i was looking for. I just wanted know weather it is a good approach or not to use marketo forms on external pages.

If you think the information is wrong Please help me with the right one.


Ravi Ansal

PS Sorry Catlin I will mark the correct answer post Sanford's reply

Level 10 - Community Moderator

Re: Using Marketo form on website

I've commented on this chart many times on the Community.  The guys who created it understand that it needs to be corrected, but they haven't gotten to it yet.  Check this comment for one example: