Pam - Thanks for chiming in here. But what you've described is not entirely correct. Using your example above, I'll refer to our Global/Default workspace (where our shared assets exist) as "Workspace A".
Not true. I can clearly see every landing page across all workspaces that are using this template (under the "used by" tab)
Not true. This is an issue we are currently dealing with. Assets based on those templates are pushed into draft mode, but yet there's no way to mass-approve them like you can in a single workspace. I have included my comments in an existing Idea that was submitted last year.
Correct (it sounds like this contradicts what you mentioned in point #2)
In summary, Marketo needs to better support workspace management. Our Marketo consultant clearly agrees and has asked me to speak at next year's Summit on the pitfalls and opportunities of using Marketo workspaces to support a global organization like ours. I can say that I am finding ways to deploy specific assets more efficiently - for example, creating a SINGLE email alert in the global workspace and using local tokens at the workspace/program level to provide program-specific email alerts. Same thing for our confirmation emails after someone converts on a form/landing page. It's definitely been a learning process for us.