Re: Use of greater than or less than operators in "Score is changed" trigger

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Use of greater than or less than operators in "Score is changed" trigger

Hi all,

I'm using the "Score is changed" trigger to move leads from one stage to another in my revenue model.

Basically, I'd like to move those leads that I've put into a "Recycle Bin" detour (lost opportunities or leads that are otherwise qualified but didn't have an opportunity created in a timely manner) back into the regular success path flow using a trigger of "Score is changed" by ">1". 

In my scoring system, visiting a web page is +1, but other activities like viewing a case study (+3) or filling out a form (+10) get higher scores.

If I can use the greater than operator, would using a value of "+1" or "+2" capture changes that were greater than the value defined?  (e.g. a change of +3?)

Thanks in advance for the help
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Re: Use of greater than or less than operators in "Score is changed" trigger

How about is you used a date condition here? Or even more scalable trigger could be: interesting moment "is any"
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Re: Use of greater than or less than operators in "Score is changed" trigger

I have used Mark's suggestion to achieve the same thing. It's actually the exact same scores I have set :-). Case studies, watched a video +3 and I use the interesting moment is all other proactive actions other than visiting website.
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Re: Use of greater than or less than operators in "Score is changed" trigger

Interesting moment is any might work...  I still would like to know if we can use greater than or less than as operators in the "Score is changed" trigger, or if the plus operator (+1, +2, etc) would capture bigger values (e.g. would a trigger with +2 "fire" if the lead score changed by +5)
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Re: Use of greater than or less than operators in "Score is changed" trigger

Any answer on whether or not this is possible?  I've done some tests with the change value set to ">20" and ">+20" and neither one is working.  Is there some trick I'm missing, or is this just not included in the functionality?