Re: Use cases of semi-private landing pages

Level 10 - Champion Alumni

Use cases of semi-private landing pages

Our sales team has approached us to see how Marketo may be able to support a current client-focused program they have underway.  We currently host short, high-impact video on Vimeo (password protected) and have the sales reps send an email to their customer with the login credentials to access the video (which also includes a short welcome message and contact details).

I realize Marketo does not support password-protected landing pages.  But my thought was we could still use Marketo landing pages for this (we would embed the video within the landing pages using the video player embed code and including the additional information alongside it, including personalization).  We would just need to ensure the pages are not indexable by the search engines and do not include any social sharing capabilities.  We would like to use personalized URLs (PURLs) to further personalize the experience.  When a PURL is used to drive to a landing page, is that URL retained in the browser (or is it redirected to a common URL)?  The reason I ask is, if it is retained, it could be used as a way to further prevent the user from sharing the URL with anyone since it's identifiable to that user.

Can anyone share any use-cases related to these requirements?
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Re: Use cases of semi-private landing pages

Two questions here:
  • Will Google index the default page?
  • Will the PURL link be sharable?
You should be able to set the page to noIndex and avoid having it indexed, but you'll want to be 100% on this.

Re the PURLs, perhaps someone else can chime in.
Level 10 - Champion Alumni

Re: Use cases of semi-private landing pages

Just to clarify, I realize that any URL can be shared (given to someone else). But with a PURL, a user may be less likely to do so since their name is associated with it. That was my thought here.
Level 10 - Champion Alumni

Re: Use cases of semi-private landing pages

Would we be able to password-protect this page using a Marketo form (and a common password - not unique to each user)?