Use a date parameter instead of hard date in filter

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Use a date parameter instead of hard date in filter

I'm trying to run a maintenance campaign which checks for records changed as of "today".  Is it possible to use a date parameter; e.g. today() or now() instead of entering an actual date when doing this.  I want it to automatically use the current date.

Any assistance would be appreciated.

Marketo Employee

Re: Use a date parameter instead of hard date in filter

You want In Time Frame: Today.

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Re: Use a date parameter instead of hard date in filter

It won't accept TODAY as a valid value.  The error message says "Enter a date using mm/dd/yyyy format".  So what am I missing here?


Not applicable

Re: Use a date parameter instead of hard date in filter

You'd actually want to change the box on the left, then select the timeframe of Today.


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Re: Use a date parameter instead of hard date in filter

Ahhh!  Super.  thank you.

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Re: Use a date parameter instead of hard date in filter

How could I filter for all dates AFTER TODAY?

Level 10

Re: Use a date parameter instead of hard date in filter

Hi Brian,

You could use the 'in future' option, or the "in time frame" option and set the frame from today to as far in the future as you wanted.  There's also the "on or after" option you could use with today's date.


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Re: Use a date parameter instead of hard date in filter


I now see how to use the "in future" option. Thanks! Now the plot thickens. I have a static date field for each lead that is either blank or has a date. I'd like to select all records for which that date is NOT in the future. In other words, it is either empty or in the past. Can I do this?


Not applicable

Re: Use a date parameter instead of hard date in filter

Yes, use the "Before" operator and "Is Empty" operator.

Level 10

Re: Use a date parameter instead of hard date in filter

Hi Brian,

You'd want to use two filters to get all of those leads.  One of the filters would use the Is Empty operator, and one of them would use either Before as Emily suggested, or In Past.  Your logic for the smart list will be Any, so that any lead that qualifies for either filter will show up on the list.
