Can I Upload a font in my marketo instance?

Level 2

Can I Upload a font in my marketo instance?


I'm trying to upload a font we use throughout our site to our Marketo instance. We're trying to maintain a level of consistency throughout our site. Any ideas on if this is possible?

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Re: Can I Upload a font in my marketo instance?

Is the suggestion that you want to use a font in customer communications like emails? 
Level 2

Re: Can I Upload a font in my marketo instance?

yup, in emails and on landing pages.

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Re: Can I Upload a font in my marketo instance?

Custom fonts on landing pages is easy. If you're using something like Typekit (which I would recommend), you can plug in the JS code it generates into the landing page directly in a custom HTML block. Better yet, you can incorporate it into the landing page's template.

Email is a bit trickier. Webfonts aren't universally supported by email clients. That said, you can try using the CSS @import rule to yank in a Google font you like. That call would have to be in the template for your emails. Moreover you'll need to ensure that you reference appropriate backups so the design gracefully degrades in case it won't render your custom font.
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Re: Can I Upload a font in my marketo instance?

Has Marketo made any improvements on this? Mailchimp has found a way to let users use Webfonts. This is a logical progression in features.