We have a custom subscription center that has various options for subscribing to newsletters or by topic. This also has a field that is an Unsubscribe All field that if checked, will then uncheck all the other fields. This was built in the original Marketo form functionality with custom java script (for both the rich text headers and controlling the unsubscribe all functionality). I built this in November, and we want to put it live now.
I wanted to possibly re-create this form in the Forms 2.0 editor, but I cannot figure out how to mange the Unsubcribe all. I also didn't see how to use a single checkbox to control subscriptions (checked is Yes, unchecked is No) rather than having two checkboxes labeled Yes and No.
The page to view is here: http://offers.keynote.com/subscriptioncenterjavatest.html
This page is NOT live yet, but the page is there for you to see what I'm trying to accommplish. If you check some of the subscriptions and then check the Unsub All check box the others will become 'unchecked'.
Can anyone provide some insight into how to do these two things in Forms 2.0, or should we simply go live with our "old" version?