Re: understanding where my leads are coming from in marketo

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understanding where my leads are coming from in marketo

I am trying to understand the sources that my leads come from – where do people who come to our site and fill our a request for info kit come from? We’d like to try to identify broad source categories, like Social, SEO, SEM, emails, Dedicated landing Pages, etc.

I should say that we’ve got munchkin code on all our pages so I am hoping we will be able to drill down to get a better understanding of these sources.

Any help greatly apprecaited.




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Level 9 - Champion Alumni

Re: understanding where my leads are coming from in marketo

If you are using any Marketo forms be sure to put the 'lead source' field on the form as a hidden field and you can hard code in the value. Ex. for all our PPC forms the hidden 'lead source' field value is 'Pay Per Click' and for our view demo forms the hidden 'lead source' field value is 'View Demo', etc.

We also have some smart campaigns that will add a lead source when a lead is created like this:

Not applicable

Re: understanding where my leads are coming from in marketo

To add to Kimi's comment, you can do the same for referrer (search) and inferred values.

To find out what those values are for your company, I'd suggest testing a lead and mimicking what a lead's activity would be through each channel you want the system to auto-name a source, then going to the test record in Marketo and seeing which fields are populated.